March 13, 2025 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Backspace Gallery
112 W 6th St on the square in Bloomington IN
Writers Guild Spoken Word Series

Poets Chris Dean and A.S. Coomer (KY)

Music by Nicholas Graham Hall (Bloomington)

Open mic to follow

Sponsored in part by the Bloomington Arts Commission and the Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association

CHRIS DEAN is a storyteller, spoken word artist and self-proclaimed Magpie Poet who writes from the heart of Indiana where they live with their husband, dog, and too many cats to mention. Along with Wendy Cartwright, Chris is co-founder of Keeping the Flame Alive Press. Their work has been featured online, in multiple print anthologies and they are the author of two books of poetry, Tales From a Broken Girl and We’re All Stories in the End, published by Storeylines Press.

A.S. COOMER is a writer & musician. Books include BIRTH OF A MONSTER, THE FLOCK UNSEEN, MEMORABILIA, THE FETISHISTS, & many others. He runs Lost, Long Gone, Forgotten Records, a “record label” for poetry.

NICHOLAS GRAHAM HALL isn’t just a singer-songwriter, he’s a storyteller. With a guitar in hand and a well-crafted lyric, he can weave a vivid tale or deliver a powerful message in just a few verses. Nicholas draws inspiration from his own life, tackling relatable themes like self-doubt, love and loss, the political climate, and even the environment. His music is a heartfelt exploration of the human experience. To discover his music just visit your favorite streaming service or visit https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.nicholasgrahamhall.com&d=DwIFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=Jmc7AtSUIV0tJBVKrWkk7UzN0mzk4wOWpfbp0CYM7zQ&m=dpsl6fGNI9Om4zi562qPdOtiJMuVqSz_3l1MqWffhcZloCyhP9vMlBac_iaKcuf3&s=VO3cVvHdPXYfkqfCtClWqVHwp6f06s2Xm5K3lz3AwaM&e=

Writers Guild Spoken Word Series: Chris Dean, A.S. Coomer, Nicholas Graham Hall
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