750 E Kirkwood Ave
IN 47405
Appreciation E
vent and
Art Exhibit
for Writers Guild Member
Bronislava Volkova
Volkova is a Czech-American poet, scholar, translator and artist. She emigrated from Czechoslovakia in 1974 and spent more than 40 years in the United States. She has 22 volumes of poetry in addition to her other work.
There will be some music, and introduction by CAHI director Brenda Weber and Russell Valentino, and 15-20 minutes of Volkova reading her work.
This will be followed by a conversation between Volkova, Eric Rensberger, and Joan Hawkins about artistic process.
Friday November 8, 5-7 p.m. in the College Arts and Humanities Institute on IU Campus–Cook Center for Public Arts and Humanities, Gayle Karch, 750 E Kirkwood Ave, Bloomington, IN 47405 (walk through the Sample Gates and keep going toward the Indiana Memorial Union).
The event will be in the Great Hall. The event is free and open to the public.